The weather has been absolutely to die for here where we live....I mean low 80's and breezy, cannot get much better than that (well unless I was at the beach with that kind of weather)! We have been spending a ton of time outside and have visited 3 different parks the past week. Last Friday we went to Heardmont Park with my dear friend Jaci and her 2 girls, Mia and Averi. The girls are the same ages as Connor and Carson and they always enjoy each others company. We started out at the playground and when the kids got hot (yes I said hot, I told them to wait until is was 100 degrees and then they will see what hot is!) we headed down to a creek. Well I was not prepared for the creek so we just rolled the boys jeans up and went with it. I had told them not to get their pants wet b/c we did not have a change of clothes but that must have gone in one ear and out the other. The girls managed to stay dry but not my boys - Colton's pants were soaking wet and had to be removed for fear he may drown in the creek with the extra weight, Connor and Carson were wet well above their knees but were made to keep their pants on! Overall we had a great time and are planning on going soon, but next time with swimsuits!

On Monday I met my cousin and her little boy, Eli, at a park in Springville. This park is awesome!! It has a huge fenced in playground with several nice play sets and a large covered pavilion with picnic tables. On this park visit I brought with us 2 of my friends kids, Addison and Hudson. All 6 of the kids played really well together and we had no meltdowns - which is a plus. After playing for a while we let the kids cool down with a snack at the picnic tables and then we headed to the creek nearby. This time I was prepared with having the kids wear shorts and I even had a towel - go me!! I was not prepared with extra clothes for Hudson who decided to go swimming in the creek - but thankfully I did have an extra pull up and so he just rode home that way!

Then yesterday afternoon after Kevin headed to work, my sweet neighbor Erica went with me to the park in Leeds. I have not been to this park in a while b/c it is not fenced in and has huge slides and it is a little hard to keep up with 3 kids on this thing. But since she could be an extra set of eyes we tried it again and the kids did really well. I have to say that the boys are at a much easier age and it was not that hard to keep up with them. It is so nice to have several nice parks near us so we have options.
*unfortunately I forgot my camera for this park visit*
Well last but certainly not least....we had our first cast put on today for our little Colton. It is so crazy b/c he was not doing anything other than pitching a fit b/c I had to leave and he wanted to go with me, and all we can guess is that he fell and caught himself with his hand which led to breaking through the growth plate in his wrist. So we have 3 weeks of life in a cast and hopefully it can come off. It will probably become a really good weapon and his brothers will probably learn to leave him alone after this! So that in a nutshell is what has been going on at the Barnett household - never a dull moment for sure!!